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It Was a Great Summer


It was a GREAT summer. July started with a family reunion at Long Lake. We had family come from New York to California, and points in between (like Oklahoma and Ohio). We watched the fireworks and revived family favorites like the canoe trip, scavenger hunt, and costume party. On the whole, we had a very fun time.

The rest of July we enjoyed our time with Ann & Michael, Ren & Mark, and (of course) the grandkids. Ann’s kids are so grown up it’s a bit overwhelming. (This year I have one grand going into kindergarten and another going into college. Woo)

Note: two different ways to use the floating lily pad.

At the end of July we chartered a boat with our friends Dave and Mary and cruised the North Chanel of Lake Huron. This beautiful area is one of the best cruising in the world. We had ten days to explore the islands and bays six of the fifty or so islands in the Chanel.

From mid-August until late September we had lots of doctor visits (evidently we are still healthy) and visits from friends, as well as social activities with Traverse City friends. October began with the first ever Salty Dawg Midwest Rendezvous. We hosted friends from four other boats for three days of fun including sundowners and s’mores, wine tasting, hiking (well, walking), shopping, Moomers ice cream, and (of course) Mexican Train Dominos.

As soon as the rendezvous ended it was time for Mark and me to pack up (we were already mostly packed) and ready the house for our departure and on the second day after the Rendezvous we drove to Cincinnati to be special guests at Ren’s boys’ “Grandparents’ Day” at school. It was very sweet. We spent a week with the kids and enjoyed the time immensely.

Then it was time to get on to Trinidad and back to Roxy. That post will be coming soon.

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Nov 02, 2023

Great post as usual Lynn! Thanks for including SV Hero in the Midwest Rendezvous! We had a blast. It was so great to have you and Mark all to ourselves for a few days. Have a great season!

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